With that said, we cannot give ear to the nay-sayers. We must give ear to what the spirit is saying to the church. Sometimes we may feel as though we are alone in this world, but God knows exactly what he is doing and how he is going to do it.
I hear a lot of talk about how we should use T.V. to preach the gospel to all nations.
I couldn't disagree more! T.V. has been controlled by Hollywood, and is Hollywood's most powerful tool. To use T.V. for the preaching of the gospel would put the church in competition with Hollywood, and quite frankly the church is not in competition with anybody.
Furthermore the church would be forced to compromise on doctrine. T.V. Stations are too worried about offending people that you really would not be allowed to minister.
I personally know a lady who has been "backslidden" for 20 plus years. She sometimes watches a very famous preacher on T.V. She goes as far as saying that this "preacher" (if you could call him that) is her personal pastor and therefore she has no need to congregate at a local church.
Why bring this up, obviously there will be people who are not grounded and will fall by the way side, because of this stumbling block that we the "watchmen" should never have placed in their path.
I find it funny that many people are giving up on TV, a news article I read on the Michael Savage web site said that a lady was so sick of seeing Obama on TV that she threw out her TV.
I talk to people all the time about TV, and they comment on how it's a bunch of waisted time, and its all nothing but junk on TV anyways!
Many "non-Apostolics" Christians are giving up on TV as well.
However, there are many "so called" Apostolics that are FIGHTING for the acceptance of TV in the Apostolic movement. They will criticize those of us who will not "bow down to Egypt's gods." The reality is they just want an excuse to watch TV (Hollywood) and defile their minds.
It doesn't matter how strong you may feel spiritually, you will fall. Your mind will take you there. Even the most "innocent" movies, or shows are dirty. TV is designed to dominate you! We, however, are designed to have dominion, and we are made in the Image of God.
So the question is, will we go to hell for watching TV? The answer: YES! You would be bowing down to Egypt's gods. And you will be a slave and be dominated by Egypt. We will be carnally minded and we will begin to accept Egypt. And that my friends in not pleasing to God, nor is it his will.
Paul said "be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your minds."
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